Complete your booking form here
Whats skills sets would you like to improve on.............
BHPA Pilot Tasks
Please provide your flying ratings and achievements currently held, and please do write brief notes on what you would like to achieve during the Thermal Chasers Trip;
The dates I would like to attend are ……………………………………………………………….
Cost is ......, which includes all travel arrangements’, accommodation, fuel, car hire, local guides coaching instruction or guidance where required.
Payment details, by Bank Transfer or debit-credit card;
Card Number ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Expiry …………………………………………………….. Security code ………………………
Bank Account Thermal Chasers;
Now sit back and wait for an email 24hours before date Thermal Chasers trip due to start.
Any questions fire away;
Hang Gliding Paragliding
SURNAME: ________________________________ FORENAMES: _____________________________
ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ POSTCODE: ________________
TEL. (H): __________________________________(W): _______________________________________
MOBILE: _______________________ E-MAIL: ______________________________________________
D.O.B. ____/____/_____ BHPA membership N0______________________________________________
Please supply the following details at time of booking your Thermal Chasers adventure:
Insurance Medical-repatriation-heli search, (Your travel and eqpt advisable)
Next Kin;
Passport details;
Mobile number you intend to use during the Thermal Chasers trip;